Providing Vibration Solutions to the U.S., Canada and Latin America
Free Engineering & Application Assistance

Compaction tables are used to settle, compact and consolidate material. Normally the material is in a container being prepared for shipment.

Our compaction tables are custom-made and designed specific to the application and are available with either electric or pneumatic drives.

Compaction tables are also used for consolidating concrete, refractory materials and poured plastics in molds and forms.

Compaction Tables Save You Time & Money

Fit more into each container and stop shipping air with our custom solution for your challenge.

Roller Section Integrated Compaction

Compaction Tables can be used in a roller conveyor system to quickly settle product and reduce the angle of repose instantly.

Tell Us About Your Specific Compaction Table Needs. Click Here!

Big Bag Compaction

Compacting Cartons & Boxes

Compaction for Drums


Food Preparation

Industrial Compaction

Tell Us About Your Specific Compaction Table Needs. Click Here!