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Case Study: Ostrich Farm Needs Help Removing Waste


An ostrich farm was searching for a faster and more efficient way to remove unwanted waste from their many ostrich pens throughout the property.


The farm’s previous method utilized a screen, and it required the tedious task of tilting and shaking the waste by hand. It had been situated on a 4′ × 8′ golf cart trailer for portability, and the tires were used as a vibrating mechanism between the ground and the trailer.


Ultimately, the solution was to attach our vibrator model MARTIN® XHD™ Series XHD-C1.5T to the center of the reinforced screen frame, with it tightly secured to the trailer. The material now easily flows through the screen and can be re-spread again upon removal of the screen. The operation must be performed daily, and now it is completed by only one person in just one-fourth of the time.