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Case Study: Automotive Plant Has Issues With Buildup


An automotive assembly plant in Detroit, Michigan utilizes their own coal-fired utility. The company has experienced build-up on a number of chutes in their fuel-handling system. As a result, air lances and shovels must be used daily to clean the build-up to avoid ongoing problems. Unfortunately, dealing with this issue meant that operators had less time to focus on other areas of the automotive plant. Additionally, fly ash hoppers were bridging. The industrial vibrators being used were not effective in providing enough industrial vibration or were simply malfunctioning altogether.


MARTIN® Vibration Systems did two things. First, we sold the plant an MARTIN® NTS™ 54/02 on a VAC 20 MOUNT. Second, we recommended MARTIN® NTS™ Non-Impacting Vibrators with FRL units. The company purchased a MARTIN® NTS™ 50/01 and a MARTIN® NTS™ 54/02.


The portable unit has resolved the issue of buildup, which effectively allows the operators more time to spend in other areas of the plant. Additionally, the new NTS units will be evaluated to determine which offers superior performance. The best of the two will be selected for their 23 ash hoppers.